Appearently there is a hidden configuration file in Rise of Lyric's files that allows you to improve the graphics! It consists multiple features that are disabled in the final game!
This guide will help you enable Water Caustics, and learn how to modify the file yourself (its quite simple even if lenghty!)
You will need the following to make this work:
*Rise of Lyric running on CEMU.
*a computer capable enough to run the above.
*The unpacker Tool, which you can download here! https://mega.nz/file/FollFQoQ#oDDnAqtpFP6ICWbE42Ce0pA-WPWmx5VVAwN4SgpKl_8
*The Repacker Tool, which you can download here and from the Sonic Boom Game Banana section! https://gamebanana.com/tools/6857
Step 1: Unpacking!
First we need to unpack first_load.wiiu.stream from the gamefiles! Its location is at folder inside the Content>Sonic_Crytech directory in the Sonic Boom folder! Make a backup of first_load.wiiu.stream or the entire Rise of Lyric game before you do anything else!
Once you succesfully made a backup, copy first_load.wiiu.stream to a diffrent folder which you can temporairly make to store the unpacked data!
Copy the tools you downloaded before into the folder as well, as we will need them to unpack them! Drag First Load into the StreamExtract folder, and open extractallindirectory.bat to unpack it! This will create a folder called first_load ! This is where we start with the next step!
Step 2: Modifying!
Open the folder first_load we have just created! Inside is a file called cafe.cfg, open it with notepad or notepad++!
This file is stuffed with appealing options like motion blur and draw distant adjustments, but all we will enable for now are the r_WaterCaustics lines marked in Yellow below! You can do this by changing their 0's into 1's!
Once you have done this you can save the file, and we will move on to the next step!
Step 3: Repacking!
This is the easiest step yet! Copy the first_load folder in the same directory as BoomStreampacker.exe, then drag the folder ontop of it! This will create a new first_load.wiiu.stream file! Go back into the Content>Sonic_Crytech directory inside the Sonic Boom game files, and replace the orginal with your new modified version!
Congratulations! You got your better water shaders now!
If it didnt work, double check you didnt miss anything! If you broke the game, recover using the backup! (Thats why we made it in the first place!)
Thanks to Thelombax51 for teaching me how to do this!